Page 7

From top-to-bottom, left-to-right:

  1. 1967-Urban Planning. Face value, 0.05 x 4; price, $5.00
  2. 1968-John Trumball Painting. Face value, 0.06 x 4; price, $5.00
  3. 1968-Leif Erikson. Face value, 0.06 x 4; price, $5.00
  4. 1968-American Folklore, Daniel Boone. Face value, 0.06 x 4; price, $5.00
  5. 1968-Regular Issue, Flag. Face value, 0.06 x 4; price, $5.00
  6. 1968-Hemisfair 68'. Face value, 0.06 x 4; price, $5.50
  7. 1969-Christmas, Cabin/Snow/Carriage. Face value, 0.06 x 4; price, $7.00
  8. 1969-Settlement of California. Face value, 0.06 x 4; price, $5.00

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